Monday, January 24, 2011

Great Website!

I found this website today and created a login and gave it a try. 
This is a GREAT website for playing brain games. 
Perfect for adults and kids alike. 
Give it a try!

Introduction (Part Three)

(Cont'd from Part One and Part Two)

This part of my story will be a sort of "fast-forward" through about 13 years. In a nutshell, many years went by without anything being done about the "supposed" but very suspected diagnosis. Fears such as, "What if the medication doesn't work?" or "What if things don't really change?" might have kept hubby from pursuing help. In the meantime, I began harboring resentment. Because, again, if he really cared more about me, he would go and get some help. (I was still living under the false pretense that a simple pill would cure all.) We were both acting out of selfishness and refusing to see our situation through the other's eyes. What I didn't understand then that I am beginning to understand today is that ADHD cannot be avoided or helped. The person with ADHD is not to be at the center of blame. ADHD is not something that will be outgrown, so this person will be dealing with this challenge for a lifetime to come. The person(s) who live with a diagnosed ADHDer cannot stick their head in the sand and take a "hands off" approach. Frustration will come, believe me, but keeping things in perspective is a must. There are days when it will be very difficult and there are days that will be very rewarding.

Another concept I am beginning to embrace is that ADHD doesn't have a "uniform". It can manifest itself in different ways within different people. The "box" doesn't exist. Therefore, treatments will vary in success as well. As we are in the beginning of the journey of diagnosis and treatment, patience for me is a must as we go through trials and studies and strategies. Hubby must find what works for him and I must learn that it is probably not going to be what works for me. It doesn't even have to make sense for me as long as it works for him and helps him to be successful.

As we move into testing in the next few weeks for our child, I am anxious, but maybe not for the reason you suspect. I am not anxious about the outcome as we are fairly certain of what that outcome will be. I am anxious about being the right kind of mom, gaining enough understanding and compassion to be able to be helpful and not hurtful, and strengthening our relationship rather than causing damage.

I feel as if I can't soak in enough information. I have four books on the way, I'm constantly scouring the internet for articles. I am learning, which I know is the first step for me. One thing I consistently find...ADHD is highly manageable given the right relationship with medical professionals who lead to successful strategies. Don't settle for anything less.

What You Need to Know About the Americans with Disabilities Act by ADDitude (Magazine) Editors

The Americans with Disabilities Act includes ADHD as a disability. Find out what it means for you.

What is the ADA?

The Americans with Disabilities Act, or ADA, was established by Congress in 1990. The purpose of the law is to end discrimination in the workplace and to provide equal employment opportunities for people with disabilities.

What employers are covered by the ADA?

The ADA applies to businesses with 15 or more employees. This includes:
  • private employers
  • state and local governments
  • employment agencies
  • labor organizations
  • and labor-management committees

Is ADHD included in the ADA?

Yes. The ADA provides for "mental" conditions or mental illnesses, but as with physical impairments, the diagnosis of a mental illness or mental impairment is not sufficient to qualify an employee for protection under the Act.
The following conditions must be met for ADHD to qualify for coverage:
  • It must cause significant impact or limitation in a major life activity or function
  • The individual must be regarded as having a disability
  • The individual must have a record of having been viewed as being disabled.
  • The applicant must also be able to perform the essential job functions with or without accommodations to qualify as an individual with a disability under the meaning of the Act.

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